Recent projects and clients

Humanitarian communications

Ashlee is the part-time Communications and Visibility Manager for the Australian Humanitarian Partnership, and also provides ad hoc communications support to the Humanitarian Response Planning Section in DFAT.

This work encompasses a wide range of responsibilities: report writing, graphic design, field stories, feature articles, multimedia, video, animations, social media management, event support, research and advice to in-country communications staff.

Ashlee also provides gender equality-focused communications support to DFAT through the Support Unit for Gender Equality (SURGE).

Reviews and analysis

During her time at the ANU Development Policy Centre, Ashlee authored or co-authored a number of research and analysis products, including reports, parliamentary submissions, book chapters, discussion papers and policy briefs. She was also a frequent contributor to the Devpolicy Blog.

In 2021, Ashlee was part of a team reviewing Phase IV the PNG Incentive Fund, Australia’s longest running aid investment, providing analysis of M&E and project data, as well as a document review of past reporting and evaluation.

Communication strategy

Ashlee is engaged as the Communications and Public Diplomacy Adviser on the Australia Solomon Islands Partnership for Governance (ASIP-Gov).

For the project, she crafted a comprehensive strategy, informed by best practice research on the role of communications in governance strengthening programs.

She has also authored communications strategies for other programs, including Phase II of the Australian Humanitarian Partnership, and the Support Unit for Gender Equality.